Meet the Presenters ~ Risking, Reaching, Leaping Symposium Bios

online symposium to be held February 8-9, 2025 ~ Sponsored by the Midatlantic Pathwork

Julia Jensen

Julia Jensen is a Pathwork Helper, an Energy Worker, and a Mathematician. While on a spiritual journey in 1989, found Pathwork which assisted in deepening her connecting to the energy of the Earth. Her passion for the work began from her first exposure and continues with each day. She works with individuals and groups in person and on online. She believes we all have a soul level issue to be healed and a soul level task as part of our meaning on Earth. Each of us must find our Path. She works with individuals and groups in the Richmond, Virginia area and online.

Brian Stokes

Brian washed up on the beach at Sevenoaks by a wave of Grace in 1993 for a 5-day workshop with Donovan and Susan, and went right into the Transformation Program and then Helper Training five years later

He served as Pathwork School Manager, on the Pathwork Guild and as a trustee of the Pathwork Foundation. He also leads the monthly online Pathwork Connect on the last Sunday of every month

Brian works with individuals and with groups, with a special focus on trauma, neglect, relationship and end-of-Life issues.

His current fascination is uncovering the experience of the Real Self that we each have inside us no matter what we've been through.

Miriam Smith

Miriam Smith is a Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Helper/teacher and president of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Board of Trustees. She is a certified Energy Healer and teacher and combines these studies into both individual and group Pathwork sessions, in person or online. Miriam encourages and invites others to join the quest to bring what is hidden to consciousness.  She believes that we enter life pre-loaded with creativity, and we are invited to blossom into our fullness.


Darlene Rollins

Darlene Rollins has been doing the Pathwork since 1984. She’s found the Pathwork to be the greatest map for navigating life and the spiritual journey that life is. She is a Helper in the Mid Atlantic Region and has a small Nature Retreat near Fredericksburg Virginia, where she hosts various Pathwork and Nature Programs.

Paul Paquette

Paul Paquette is currently serving since 2019 with the International Pathwork Foundation as Trustee and President.  

Paul had a long career in internal and regulatory compliance in the financial industry in Canada.

Paul started with the Pathwork in 1996, working under the guidance of Sage Walker in her Divine Sexuality Program

Between 2001 and 2004 he studied in a Pathwork Transformation Program led by Louise Stevenson and Roddy Duchesne.

From 2005 to 2016 under the tutelage of Sage Walker and Nadya Beck he completed Helper Training and their Renaissance Program, the latter being an intimate exploration of the Lower Self.

Beginning in 2015 he began looking into the background of Eva Pierrakos from her birth in 1915 through to the period in which she learned to channel, 1950-1957.

Paul enjoys talking of this formative period for Eva.

Don E. Harvey

Don E. Harvey is an associate Pathwork helper who has been both a student and a teacher in the Pathwork program for many years. He has the large healing heart of Bear, the wings of Eagle, and the ferocity of Tiger. He is close to nature and believes in its healing power. Don believes in the old ways of our ancestors, in our wise bodies, and in the world of spirit. He is a shamanic practitioner who uses shamanism and ritual to access these realms.

Jill Loree and scott wisler

Jill Loree and Scott Wisler are founders and partners of Phoenesse, a spiritual path that makes the teachings of the Pathwork Guide easier to access. 

Phoenesse®—pronounced "finesse"— offers a fresh approach to timeless spiritual teachings from the Pathwork Guide, showing us how to repair our deepest wounds and restore ourselves to wholeness.

Based on decades of deep work with the Pathwork Guide, Jill Loree and Scott Wisler are partners in making these rich, transformative teachings easier to access. Phoenesse offerings include: 18 spiritual books to read, 10 spiritual books to listen to, and collections of spiritual essays that paint a powerful picture of what it looks like to walk a spiritual path. 

Building on their passion for helping others grow and develop spiritually, they are now opening a healing center in Cuba, New York. Do you feel called to dive more deeply into your spiritual healing journey? Contact Jill and Scott to learn more: